We set off with a map of the roads to Targoviste, and all was well at first. We went to the East of the white crossed hill seen from our house and travelled through rolling hills which are a little higher than in the Cotswolds. No country pubs though, just an occasional shop, sometimes with people sitting outside with a drink, chatting and enjoying the sunny day.
This was fun, as it was the furthest we had been, and we were looking forward to seeing the Princely Court and another town. But; and there is a but, after too long to turn back, we came to a road which had fallen away down a ditch. We checked the map but there were no alterntive routes except for the main roads miles away, so we slowly negotiated the road, and after a few more miles it turned to rough stone and gravel. We were expecting a dead end (again) , then we saw some houses and gingerly made our way forward.
Haystacks seen everywhere built in a conical shape.
An elaborately painted church in a small village before the road deteriorated.
Eventually the road improved and we arrived at Targoviste safe and sound. We travelled home the long way round!
I've since found out that about a third of Romanian roads are just gravel and that many of the roads that do exist are in a poor state of repair. There are EU grants for roads, (I have seen the signs), but the work is done v slowly and often seems to be at a standstill.
Look at the following website for a different type of new road in the mountains:
Drum bun! (literally road good!)
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